Hard To Hide The Smiles at Emerson

There is no tired like pandemic teaching tired!  

However, you would not see that on the faces or hear that in the voices of the teaching staff at Emerson!  

They are truly one of a kind and have shown our students and families that they are here for them everyday.  

I want to take this time to say THANK YOU to the staff of Emerson Elementary as I am very blessed to be a part of such an AMAZING staff that have a hard time “Masking their Excitement” for Emerson! - Angie

I also want to give a shout out to our newest “masked” staff members that joined us this year at Emerson.  Help me make them feel welcome if you happen to see them out and about in Columbus!

Travis McCloud
4th Grade Teacher

Karen Marxen Paraprofessional

Morgan Siedschlag