Weather Alerts

About Our Weather Messages

When it is determined that conditions are unsafe for students and staff, we have four operational status options, which will be reported by easy-to-understand, color-coded messages.

These coded messages will be posted on our website and social media when status are changed.  Only when upcoming weather conditions become apparent will the district change its status from green to another color.

  • Green - Normal operations will continue.

  • Blue - Schools and offices are open. Be watching for important information due to upcoming weather conditions as the district is monitoring the National Weather Service, NOAA Webinar, and the Department of Roads.

  • Orange - Shelter in Place. If the district declares a shelter in place, students, guests, and staff will be required to follow the procedures outlined in the District's Emergency Operating Procedures and take shelter in designated locations. Buildings will not dismiss students during a shelter-in place for everyone's safety.

  • Red - School and office schedules have changed or are closed.

    • Early dismissal will be used if remaining in school until the regular dismissal time substantially increases the risk to students and staff traveling home.

    • Late start will be used if the weather system impacts and building site preparation will permit safe travel for school to begin by 10:00a.m.

    • Cancellation will be used when the weather system impact is substantial and a late start is not a safe or reasonable option for students and staff.

Review Each Weather Status

Our Weather Cancellation Procedure

Dressing For Cold Weather

This image explains the cold weather wardrobe students should be wearing when wind chills are Cool, Cold and Extremely Cold.

  • CPS Elementary Cold Weather Guidelines

    • Students will not be allowed outside for recess in below 40° weather without a HEAVY coat.

    • We will have indoor recess if the temperature is below 20°