Students selected to LC's council

Lost Creek Student Council members have been voted upon and chosen to represent our school for the 2020-21 school year.  Our student council meets with our sponsors, Ms. Augustine and Mrs. Williams monthly to plan and coordinate activities that support the needs of our school and community.  The students have completed fundraisers in the past to help purchase academic materials and recess equipment.  They have had successful penny drives to support charities within the community.  The student council has sponsored annual food drives to help restock our local food pantry.  We look forward to great things from these young leaders!

Mason - 4M
Olivia - 4M
Halle - 4R 
Chase - 4M 
Colbi - 4M
Drue - 4W
Benjamin - 4W
Sophia - 4W
Hudson - 4R
Anessa - 4W
Mary - 4R
Jersey - 4R