Welcome back!  We hope everyone had a beautiful break.  Just a few short weeks before Christmas break is upon us. 

We focus on a specific skill each week as a building to help practice being more successful in school.  Our skills from now until the break are expressing thanks, giving compliments, and accepting compliments appropriately.  Please don't hesitate to practice these at home as well as a way to reinforce them.  

A reminder that Lost Creek Runza Night is November 28th from 4 to 8 pm.  10% of the proceeds earned that night go directly back to our Lost Creek PTO.  This includes dining in, carry-out, drive-through, and the mobile app.

Wednesday is a regularly scheduled 2:15 student dismissal for teacher collaboration.  Thank you for planning accordingly.  

Our PTO Fall Fundraiser wraps up this Friday, December 1st.  Orders are due that day.   Order pickup is on Thursday, December 14th during our Santa Party at Lost Creek.  These proceeds help our PTO provide support for our teachers and students throughout the school year.  

Please have a spectacular week and as always, Go Eagles!